Top 10 Facts about Eczema
Statistics show that there are 31.6 million Americans who have symptoms of eczema and 17.8 million with symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Though the exact cause of eczema is still unknown, it is thought to be due to heightened immune system, similar to what food allergy sufferers have.
Eczema is a skin condition that causes inflammation, itch, redness, cracked, dry and leathery skin that may appear on any part of our body.
Atopic dermatitis on the other hand is one of the common types of eczema that shows the same symptoms with the addition of clear fluids released on the affected areas. This is more prevalent to people with asthma or hay fever.
10 Interesting Facts about Eczema
- Eczema comes from the Greek word which means “to boil over” that describes the red and itchy rashes.
- There are several things that are known to trigger eczema such as stress, irritation from things like wool, synthetic fabrics, and soaps. Heat and sweat are known triggers as well together with cold, dry climates, and dry skin.
- Eczema gets itchier as you scratch it and may result from getting worse. Controlling the urge to scratch will help control it from getting worse.
- Eczema can be transferred due to heredity. If one of your parents has sensitive skin, it’s possible that you’ll inherit it.
- It has no known cure but can be treated. There are several creams available to treat eczema and certain factors need to be considered before doing such treatments.
- This condition is not contagious and won’t spread even if you came in contact with a person with eczema.
- More and more people are affected by it than before. Since eczema spreads through heredity, it can be transferred from generation to generation.
- Food is one factor that makes eczema worse. Experts found that the known top 8 food allergens encourage eczema to flare up and this is why this condition is commonly linked to food allergy. If you or your loved ones have eczema, we strongly advise that you consult your doctor before doing any food restriction. Remember that there are foods that are essential to child development and growth.
- Consult your dermatologist to get a proper treatment plan for eczema. Don’t wait for your eczema to get worse before treating it as it will be harder to control.
- Healthy skin may help prevent eczema so eat healthily and don’t forget to moisturize to prevent other types of eczema to develop.
- Bonus: Different types of eczema are atopic dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, nummular eczema, seborrheic eczema, stasis dermatitis, and contact dermatitis.
National Eczema
SR Derm